The Edge

Thoughts from the edge of your reality. We always bring food for your table of knowledge.

Friday, October 29, 2004

I have something to say

I have been thinking. Alot. I realized something. all these "kids" running around being so political. They are scared. I see all these people around me trying to convince each other who the best choice for president is and why they are right. I get phone calls from volunteers to campaign for State Senators. And most of the callers sound like they just got out of high school. I have listened to arguements and rants and speechs. They are all in fear of what is going to happen to the world they live in. And I can understand that. After-all we live in an age where your life is recorded constantly. Planes are dropping from the sky, buisinesses are failing left and right. The homeless and job less rate is very high. The cost of fuel is so high it is getting harder and harder to buy the gas to drive. People bombard the airwaves with messages of hostile foriegn countries wanting you dead. Your email and mailbox is filled with things you dont want. Crime is on th rise. Someone wants your social secuirty number, so they can steal your identity. real crime dramas and judge shows are taking top ratings in their time slots. and US soldiers are dying in another country. All of this is scary, scary stuff. Too bad it wont change this year or next. Whoever gets elected still has to go thru the rest of the Senate and Congress to make any changes. And they may or maynot be willing to do that. Also, you ever try to stop a run-away chopping cart as it whizzes by? It's hard. Sometimes you cant. Usually what happens is it either pulls you off balance when you grab it, or it slips out of your hand. Unless it hits you deadon when it is rolling, you usually have a time of slowing it down. Our country is the shopping cart. Someone started things rolling along time ago. Now its almost impossible to stop. And to stop it now would mean something is going to get tossed out. But you never know what. Whoever wins is not going to pull the soldiers out of Iraq, because its almost iimpossible to do in a timely manner. It could take upto a year just to get the orders and logistics worked out. Second, and I know this from personal experience. The government does all sorts of stuff and doesnt say so. there are thousands of things going on that you and I will never know about. Why do you think the president ages so badly after he is elected? Some secrets can keep you awake at night and some can make you wish you never opened your eyes. I know, I know.... conspiracy theory. Not at-all. There are some things we as citizens and humans dont need to know. they are too hard to understand. We could never see the big picture. And lastly, no matter what the outcome an economy needs money flowing into it to get something out of it. The United states is sorely lacking in the input column. sure you have income brackets of 60,000 and higher showing growth and general increase. But the cost of living for persons below 30,000 is going up, and thier pay isnt. And I truly doubt you will find this to be a REAL concern of ANY politician.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

I was truly amazed

I woke up late this morning so I was slow about leaving. Considering that I had not slept well and my head was still rather stuffed, I did not relish the idea of heading out. But it turned out to be a truly great thing that I did. I know everyone has heard the birds chirping in thier symphony of noise in the early morning hours. To human ears this has bot to be some ofd the most unneccisary ruckus that has ever assailed our ears. I hean all that chriping and squeeking and catter-whalling. Atleast thats what I used to think until this morning. this morning as I walked to the busstop under the trees I, like most people wondered what the hell was up with all the birds. And like a blessing, I was shown. All at once the sound stopped.I mean stark dead silent at the drop of hat. Just as I turned towards the trees I saw something beautiful. Every bird lifted off into the air. Crows, Magpies, Chickadees and some I do not recognize, all took flight in what would at first glance appeared to be a migration. After several moments of stunned spectatorship, I realized what I was seeing. It was a mass feeding. It seems that all that pre-dawn screaming and squaking had stirred up the local insect population. As the sonically stimulated bugs and pests flew forth to escape the noise, every bird around was in the air snatching himself a morning meal. It was breath taking. Flocks of birds dipping and weaving in unison as they cut a swath the flying insects that flew too slow to escape. Mind you I did feel a bit pained when I saw a brillant red dragonfly get swallowed by a large crow. I like dragonflys.So sue me. But it was for a good cause. And it is the wheel of nature after-all. And its good to know there will probably be a few less biting insects around when I go out during the evenings. But the whole thing that got me was the unison and presision which the birds used to feed. It was all instint. Everyone flew close to someone so as to make a living net when their numbers met the living mass of creepy crawlies. and few veered off or bailed out. And NO ONE hit anything. Not a tree, or a powerline, or a stop sign or a car. It was incredible. People cant do that. Not without some huge meeting and queue cards telling them where and when, and STILL some hairless monkey would still foul it up by doing just what HE wanted. The birds didnt do that. That is what made the whole thing incredible. They didnt have some big owl outthere with a whistle and a megaphone yelling at them. "Charlie! Tighten up those tail feathers or you wont get enough balance to turn! Frank! Get back to your formation! You can mate with her later! Madaline, turn to your left, we are going south this morning!" ALL the birds in the area did thier part without being told. Unrehearsed. And yes, I know "urvival of the species". Tell ya what. Pick ten people you know. Tell all of them that they have to meet you someplace at exactly 8pm. And make it sound really important and ominous. Betcha atleast 3 dont make it at-all. And of the 7 that do show atleast 2 will be more than 10 minutes late. Dont believe me? TRY IT. And that why this morning was so beautiful. Because I saw nature and instinct move an entire species to act as a single mind and body. No fighting, no trying to out-do the other guy for a bigger bug. Just functionality. Pretty damn neat huh?

Friday, October 22, 2004

The Beast

The Beast This looks pretty interesting.... I think I will see this film.... :) The Beast is a new movie that is currently in pre-production. It is due to be released on the odd (but of course controversial) date of 6/6/06. The movie is about a young girl who, following in her father’s footsteps, discovers perhaps the greatest secret in the history of organized religion (namely Christianity): Jesus Christ never existed. Find out more below: The Beast

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

We Are Borg

We Are Borg Now this is fasinating. Who knows we could be a decade away from CyberDeckers. Which would be kinda cool. Look at the article and you tell me what you think. Circuitry Men

Monday, October 18, 2004


DAMN I found out tonight that friend of mine killed herself a few days ago. This sucks. I think we need to start the planet over. Really. Wipe the whole thing clean and give it a fresh start. Maybe we can do better the next time. And this isnt right. When a sweet wonderful lady like Shadow dies this way its just wrong. and it shouldnt happen. Some may say I am taking this a little too personal. To them I say YEAH, I am. I take it very personal when a somebody I care about dies and I could not stop it. Miss you Shadow. wish I coulda been there for you.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


Some people dont know how to hide thier shiznit I had to catch a bs home after the latest installment of "HEY, Come Fix My System". And it thoroughly sucked. The whole trip was for naught as the machine was 6 years old and un-repairable. Then I got rain soaked on the way home because I dont have a car. So after a few drippy minutes waiting in the rain a bus finally arrives. Its kinda crowded. Most of the staring sullen faces are moist and look fairly worn. Most of us had no idea the weather was turning as the local weather reports never mentioned rain. So I padded my way towards the back of the bus, where it is slightly warmer. Gingerly avoiding the minefield of sprawled feet in the aisle, I find a seat. There were several people sitting stolidly staring straight ahead doing thier best "I am not a victim" impression. Two young men just infront of me were laughing and whispering to each other about some private joke. No one seemed to notice them or care. And they seemed to care little for anyone around them. Things probably would have continued on as an uneventful ride home except for one thing. As the two young men rose to leave the bus one of them dropped a bag. It was small and clear plastic. I could not help but laugh when I saw it. Several other passengers looked at the bag as if it was something horrid that had crawled up out of thier dreams. Mustering my best 'street voice', I bellowed, "Yo 'olms". Both young men turned startled out of thier conversation. Calmly and causualy I squated and palmed the bag. "What man?", the nearest young man asked. Still trying to be casual I bumped him. when my hand brushed his he yelled,"MAN!". As our eyes met he whispered, "thanks 'G". "Its cool". We pleasently parted company and no one said a word. Now most people would not have been "playing" with the bag while on the bus. But this guy did. Also an intelligent person would have placed the bag in a pocket and been done with it. But this genius was handeling it in public. I tell ya. If this is the youth of America then we are all f'cked

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

World Support

The the hell is going on? Why am I tech support for the North American continent? Since when does everyone know my name? And why do I not get paid for this? I mean really? Who died and decided that I have to fix all the broken systems?

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Steaming Along

Steaming Along Well. Its moving slowly but it is moving. I got rid of MyBloggie. It just didnt do enough for me. And the bit that it did do was a pain to configure. So I got tired of fooling with it. Now I have PBlog which seems to be atleast more configureable. Not how I want it but it works anyway. And I can atleast get it to go thru a PHP include without screwing up. I made about six templetes that I am trying to decide on. And I really, really want to find a GOOD shout box. But that seems to be difficult. There are plenty out there but most are crap.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Home Invasion

Home Invasion I went to the kitchen after checking my email and there he was, in my kitchen, eating my toast. "How the hell did you get in here?" I bellowed at him. He didnt answer. He just stared at me with his cold black eyes. I cursed myself for leaving the door open when I took out the trash. this would be a lesson I would not soon forget. I started forward and reached towards the counter for something to throw. My home intruder barreled to his right and ran towards the stove."NO YOU DONT, YOU FUCK!" I yelled as I charged forward. He saw me moving towards him and began to back away towards the dishes where the utinsils were drying. If he could reach them, before I got there, I would have a real hell of a time getting him. I threw a qwick kick to my right and knocked the dish-rack back a few inches. This started him and he charged right at me. I backpedaled to keep him from getting on me. No way did I want this dirty bastard touching me. As I stumbled backwards he lost footing and fell to his right. Without time to react he hit the floor with a wet smack. "AH HA!" I screamed. looking to my left and right all I saw was a can of air freshener. Emboldened I grabed for it and came up empty handed. Meanwhile my "guest" had shaken off his stun from the fall and was righting himself to run. As luck would have it he ran right towards me. Realizing my oppertunity I stepped forward and kicked as had as I could. It was a beautiful kick. It caught him square in the face and lauched him backwards into the wall. Stunned again he spasmodically twiched his legs. Now I know some people are all about non-violence, and all. BUT this was my house and that bitch was eating my toast. The more I watched his legs twitching as he tried to fight the murky haze in his head, the more angry I became. Full of rage at having my home tresspassed, I stomped over to him. Looking down into his cold black eyes, I lifted my foot and brought it down in a crashing boom. He was dead. His skull smashed and his cranial cavity leaking fluid I smiled. I won. He had come uninvited into my home, and now he would never do this again. Life is good. And that dear friends is how I killed a large tree beetle in my kitchen. :)

Monday, October 04, 2004

Neurotic Screams

The Edge Its been a while since I have been here. I havent really been doing a lot here. I have an entire doman to maintain. And besides. It isnt like you guys are real big on making your presence known. None of you make comments, so how do I know you are even here?