The Edge

Thoughts from the edge of your reality. We always bring food for your table of knowledge.

Friday, October 29, 2004

I have something to say

I have been thinking. Alot. I realized something. all these "kids" running around being so political. They are scared. I see all these people around me trying to convince each other who the best choice for president is and why they are right. I get phone calls from volunteers to campaign for State Senators. And most of the callers sound like they just got out of high school. I have listened to arguements and rants and speechs. They are all in fear of what is going to happen to the world they live in. And I can understand that. After-all we live in an age where your life is recorded constantly. Planes are dropping from the sky, buisinesses are failing left and right. The homeless and job less rate is very high. The cost of fuel is so high it is getting harder and harder to buy the gas to drive. People bombard the airwaves with messages of hostile foriegn countries wanting you dead. Your email and mailbox is filled with things you dont want. Crime is on th rise. Someone wants your social secuirty number, so they can steal your identity. real crime dramas and judge shows are taking top ratings in their time slots. and US soldiers are dying in another country. All of this is scary, scary stuff. Too bad it wont change this year or next. Whoever gets elected still has to go thru the rest of the Senate and Congress to make any changes. And they may or maynot be willing to do that. Also, you ever try to stop a run-away chopping cart as it whizzes by? It's hard. Sometimes you cant. Usually what happens is it either pulls you off balance when you grab it, or it slips out of your hand. Unless it hits you deadon when it is rolling, you usually have a time of slowing it down. Our country is the shopping cart. Someone started things rolling along time ago. Now its almost impossible to stop. And to stop it now would mean something is going to get tossed out. But you never know what. Whoever wins is not going to pull the soldiers out of Iraq, because its almost iimpossible to do in a timely manner. It could take upto a year just to get the orders and logistics worked out. Second, and I know this from personal experience. The government does all sorts of stuff and doesnt say so. there are thousands of things going on that you and I will never know about. Why do you think the president ages so badly after he is elected? Some secrets can keep you awake at night and some can make you wish you never opened your eyes. I know, I know.... conspiracy theory. Not at-all. There are some things we as citizens and humans dont need to know. they are too hard to understand. We could never see the big picture. And lastly, no matter what the outcome an economy needs money flowing into it to get something out of it. The United states is sorely lacking in the input column. sure you have income brackets of 60,000 and higher showing growth and general increase. But the cost of living for persons below 30,000 is going up, and thier pay isnt. And I truly doubt you will find this to be a REAL concern of ANY politician.


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