A RE-wording
Ok. I think my last post may have missed the point. Most people are taking it as a bash on hispanics/mexicans. It is NOT. I failed to explain myself properly and so I feel the need to set things right. I dont have a problem with mexicans or hispanics in general. I like a lot of them and a few seem to like me. The issue I have with the peoiple in my neighborhood is that they are perpetuating the problems. In some cases they are the problem. The people that have moved into my area are low income, hard life people. I have spoken of the hispanics in the area because they are prominant at this time. There was a time two years ago when three other black families moved into the neighborhood. I did not want them there either. They were loud, obnoxious people. They would have fist fights at 3am in the middle of the parking lot and stand around on the corner drinking all damn day. I was always the guy that called the cops on them at night. Why? Because they are guilty of what the current residents are doing. They moved to a better place, a safer place, and they brought the hardship and trouble with them. They did not take the time to say say 'Hey. I moved up from where I was. Maybe I should try to live up to what I aspire to be' Instead, they moved from where they were and brought the fighting, corner drinking and trouble that they were trying to leave behind. Same with the current residents. They came here presumably for a better way of living and they do they same crap again. No one stops to think. If 1 man throws a bottle in the bushes and its littler, then when 4 people do the same for three days you got heap of filth and its attracting vermin. Is the place where you used to live was really nasty and the new home is getting as bad? DONT THROW DIRTY FUCKING DIAPERS OUT YOUR FRONT DOOR! Its fairly simple. You left a town where you were a prostitute going down on every dirty drunken sod that paid you? Then when you move...DONT SUCK DICK! Didnt like the junkies and drug dealers being around your family? Then, DONT FUCKING INVITE THEM TO YOUR NEW HOUSE! It is a really simple plan for living that works well. I have lived it, so I know it works. I grew up in the Fifth ward, of Houston Texas. And if it were not for the teachings of my mother then my sister and I would still be there just like the people we went to school with. I took a trip into the area several months ago. The same guy I went to fourth grade went still lives there. The only difference? He moved out of his mothers apartment into one across the street. And his kids are moving across the street next to thier grandmother. Again. Not evolving mentally or socially. He is perpetuating the same thinking that his mother has and passing it on to his kids. When my family moved from the ward the first thing we learned was, 'dont do that! This aint the ghetto'. And this group of people moving into my area never learned that. so what do we have now? A declining neighborhood where people are wondering "Why are things getting so bad over here?" And the answer is... "Because you brought the garbage in the house with you"
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