Please dont pee on the couch
' 34-stone (476lb) woman dies after becoming fused to the fabric' Now thats just nasty. How the hell can you get so fat and gross that you fuse into a couch? I mean WTF? Do you just sit there and pee and shit on yourself? How in the Blue Hell do you sit down in one spot and not move for six fucking years? What do you do? I mean I picture this lady sitting on the couch tempting girlscouts to get close so she can devour them. She weighed 34 stone! Thats 476 fucking pounds! And she was married! Her husband said he would never make her move. Why the fuck not? Did he enjoy waiting on this fleshy behemoth hand and foot. I mean damn. You come home from a hard days work of getting your ass ragged all day and you gotta go home to this stank cow and change her pee jar! I tell ya he is a better man than me. Two weeks. Thats all she would get. Just two fucking weeks. Then its, "Sweety. Love you but if you dont get up and wash your ass Im gonna BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT! And when you finish that clean this fucking house! And STOP PEEING ON THE FUCKING FURNITURE!" And if you dont want to be mean. Then you just wait till she goes to sleep and grab a crowbar and pry her ass loose! Geez, I mean come on. You dont enble someone to do this. And I love the last statement. 'Police have now sealed off the house and began questioning family members over possible charges of neglect'. NEGLECT? NEGLECT? Yeah right. Listen if I leave you in a room and you dont move your ass for a week, you are going to fucking starve cause I sure as hell aint gonna feed you.
These stories totally creep me out!
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