The Edge

Thoughts from the edge of your reality. We always bring food for your table of knowledge.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Met a porn star

Met a porn star. And guess what. She's married. Now I know there is a such thing as understanding and all that but really. Wheres the line? I mean I sure as hell couldnt do it. And her outlook was that, "HE has to be ok with it because she would do it anyway. And that in the end physical intimacy doesnt mean love". To this I say no, it doesnt mean love but, its pretty high up there to me. Not to mention the sleepless nights. I mean think about it. MOST porn guys are hired by thier size and look. So unless you already know every guy on the set you gotta be a little concerned. And dont gimme that size doesnt matter crap. If that was so Penis Fertilizer wouldnt sell so well. So any guy, well, any but this guy is gonna wonder. And what about when she is moaning and whithering around on the set? Are you sure shes just faking for the camera? Yeah you think you know but do ya really? And then the scenes themselves will kill ya. Some guy has got his little German soldier in your wifes mouth, and you aint gonna be pissed? She's infront of a camera dangling like a trout, and you think its cool? And even if you get by all that. Walking down the street everyday is gonna be hell. Guys running up, "Oh, Ms Lane. You are the best ever! The way you took that guys load was freakin' beautiful". And you gotta wonder when you pass a guy looking, 'Did he do my wife?'. chasing him down screaming, "Did you play Vlad the Impaler with her?". And the arguements. "You took it in the ass for Lex Steele. So why not me? What I gotta pay you first? Or do I just have to yell action and go from there?". And the intimate sections could be a pain too. In the middle of it she wants to get up and fix her makeup or check the lighting. BTW, what if she says shes had a "hard day"? Some guy done wore out your piece and you get to wait till her Ms Salty aint dragging the floor. Nope. could not be me. Leave me if you must sweety, but Im gonna make sure that I have a woman with only one hand in the cookie jar


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